Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province [2022JJ30101]; Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China [[2024]yiban 691, [2024]yiban 674]; Guizhou Provincial Basic Research Program (Natural Science) [Zunshi BS[2023]17]; Scientific Research Project of Zunyi Normal University
PurposeThe iron reduction in paddy soils, which is mainly driven by iron-reducing bacteria (IRB) communities is vital for iron and other nutrient supplies and contamination management. This study aimed to investigate biochar effects on the community structure of IRB in paddy soils and the iron reduction driven by them in terms of iron reduction dynamic and secondary iron mineral composition.Materials and methodsWe isolated bacterial iron reduction in paddy soils in a constructed system with the bacteria source from paddy soils and IRB-selective media, with decoupling the effects of complicated...