In this paper,we investigate a class of Kirchhoff type problem involving a critical nonlinearity-(a+b∫Ω|▽u|2dx)Δu=λu+g(x)|u|2*-2u,u∈H10(Ω),where Ω is a smooth bounded domain in RN(N≥3),a,b,λ>0 and g(x)is a sign-changing potential,g ∈ L∞(Ω)with the set{x ∈ Ω:g(x)>0}of positive measure.For N=3,we obtain a positive ground state solution to the problem with λ in a small right neighborhood of λ1a.For N=4,under some assumptions on g,we get the existence and non-existence of the positive solutions.For N≥5,by using the variational met...