传统聚落集聚了大量的古代建筑和民俗等传统文化资源,以其突出的历史、文化和艺术等价值而备受关注,提取其丰富的历史文化信息并服务于现代产业发展具有积极的意义。针对当前尚缺乏从地理知识提取和表达视角对传统聚落丰富的历史文化信息进行知识抽取、组织和表达,进而实现“数据-信息-知识-智慧”转换这一问题,本文提出传统聚落景观基因本体(Geographic Ontology of Cultural Landscape Genes of Traditional Settlements, GeoOnto-CLGTS),并探索传统聚落景观基因的内在关联特征。首先,结合地理信息本体和传统聚落景观基因特征分析了GeoOnto-CLGTS的概念及表达方法,并提出GeoOnto-CLGTS模型的构建方法。其次,结合七步法的地理信息本体建模方法,梳理景观基因概念、关联关系和数据属性特征,自顶向下构建GeoOnto-CLGTS的概念层。并以123个中国传统聚落为案例,通过protégé工具进行实例补充,实现了GeoOnto-CLGTS模型的实例层构建。最后,通过Neo4j图数据库对本体数据进行存储,构建传统聚落景观基因知识图谱,实现了景观基因信息的查询。结果表明,本文构建的GeoOnto-CLGTS可以为今后开展传统聚落文化资源的知识发现及促进传统聚落的数字化保护提供有益的借鉴。
[Hu, Zui] Hengyang Normal Universty, Natl Local Joint Engn Inst Digital Conservat & Cre, Henghua Rd 16, Hengyang 421002, Peoples R China.;[Hu, Zui; Tan, Min] Hengyang Normal Univ, Coll Geog & Tourism, Henghua Rd 16, Hengyang 421002, Peoples R China.
[Hu, Z ] H;Hengyang Normal Universty, Natl Local Joint Engn Inst Digital Conservat & Cre, Henghua Rd 16, Hengyang 421002, Peoples R China.;Hengyang Normal Univ, Coll Geog & Tourism, Henghua Rd 16, Hengyang 421002, Peoples R China.
Cultural Landscape Genes of Traditional Settlements (CLGTS);Geographic informational features;Directions of values;Recognition dimensions;Feature parameter
Creative transformation and innovative development of traditional cultures is a pressing social need in China because of the deep reform and rapid socio-economic developments. It is crucial to understand the natural features of cultural landscapes of traditional settlements because they are indispensable components of these heritages. Although there are significant findings on the cultural features of traditional settlements, people still face substantial difficulties in using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to directly handle their cultural factors due to a lack of theoretical models or described methods. To address this issue, at first, this study analyzed the component elements and contents of Cultural Landscape Genes of Traditional Settlements (CLGTS) from the perspective of Geographical Information (GI). Then, the concept "Feature Parameter of Geographical Information of CLGTS (FPGI-CLGTS)" was proposed based on the above. Simultaneously, the connotations, identification rules, and mathematical meanings of FPGI-CLGTS were also explored deeply. Next, this study developed the identification methods of FPGI-CLGTS. Finally, this study examined FPGI-CLGTS through an experiment on the spatial layouts CLGTS of six samples in Hunan, China. Through this study, FPGI-CLGTS has enormous potential to reveal the critical cultural features and values of traditional settlements.
National-local Joint Engineering Institute of Digital Conservation& Creative Use Technologies for Traditional Villages and Towns, China;[Min, Tan] College of City & Tourism, Hengyang Normal University, Hunan Province of, China;[Zui, Hu] National-local Joint Engineering Institute of Digital Conservation& Creative Use Technologies for Traditional Villages and Towns, China<&wdkj&>College of City & Tourism, Hengyang Normal University, Hunan Province of, China
[Hu Zui] N;National-local Joint Engineering Institute of Digital Conservation& Creative Use Technologies for Traditional Villages and Towns, China<&wdkj&>College of City & Tourism, Hengyang Normal University, Hunan Province of, China
China;Cultural landscape genes of traditional settlements (CLGTS);Genome maps;Hunan province;Landscape genome maps of traditional settlements (LGMTS);Landscape genomes of traditional settlements (LGTS);Traditional settlements
Plentiful traditional settlements are the key part of Chinese cultural heritage due to their prominent traditional cultural features and rich historical information. The rapidly growing social economy of China raises a pressing need for understanding their rich traditional knowledge and wisdom. In order to explore this issue, Cultural Landscape Genes of Traditional Settlements (CLGTS) has been proposed by Chinese scholars since 2003. Since that, it has been attracting wide attention and has made significant strides in many areas, such as urban planning and the development of tourism. However, CLGTS still faces significant difficulties in addressing the connections between the cultural elements and the entire spatial image of traditional settlements. To fill this gap, this work proposed Landscape Genome Maps of Traditional Settlements (LGMTS) based on CLGTS. First, this work clarified the definition of Landscape Genomes of Traditional Settlements (LGTS); then, this work deeply clarified the connotations of LGMTS, and addressed the relations among CLGTS, LGTS, and LGMTS. Based on these findings, this work further established the classifications of LGMTS and explored its functions. Finally, through a case study, the potential of LGMTS to catch the critical cultural features of traditional settlements was shown.
[Hu, Zui; Wu, Lijun] Heng Yang Normal Univ, Coll Geog & Tourism, Hengyang, Peoples R China.;[Hu, Zui] Natl & Local Joint Engn Labs Digital Protect & Cre, Hengyang, Peoples R China.;[Huang, Fuwei] Educ Bur Hunan Prov, Inst Educ & Examinat, Changsha, Peoples R China.
[Hu, Z ] H;Heng Yang Normal Univ, Coll Geog & Tourism, Hengyang, Peoples R China.;Natl & Local Joint Engn Labs Digital Protect & Cre, Hengyang, Peoples R China.
Urban wetlands are gaining more attention and showing more important play in the sustainability. Surge findings are attached on the assessment of Wetland Ecosystem Service Value (WESV) in urban areas. While determining WESV in urban areas, it is still difficult to capture the nature of wetlands due to neglecting the impact of related impervious surfaces. It is necessary to improve the existing evaluating methods of WESV when seeking the truth. In order to narrow this issue, based on InVEST model, this study employed Equivalent Factors (EF) to determine WESV in urban areas with a case of Hengyang City, China. The main materials of this study included high-resolution images, DEM, precipitation, evapotranspiration, soil, vegetation, and statistical yearbook of the case. By comparing the uncorrected results with precipitation corrected and water yield corrected results of WESV, this study confirmed that: (1) the corrected results can reflect more real status than uncorrected; (2) in terms of EF, the water yield factor is more conducive to finding the truth than precipitation. Through this study, the water yield factor can effectively reduce the adverse effects of climate and improve the accuracy when determining WESV in urban areas.
[胡最] National Local Joint Engineering Institute of Digital Preservation and Creative Use Technologies for Traditional Villages & Towns, Hengyang, 421002, China;[吴雪同] College of geography& tourism, Hengyang Normal University, Hengyang, 421002, China
[Mao, Dehua; Wang, Ting; Deng, Meirong] Hunan Normal Univ, Sch Geog Sci, Changsha 410081, Peoples R China.;[Deng, Meirong; Hu, Zui] Hengyang Normal Univ, Coll Geog & Tourism, Hengyang 421002, Peoples R China.;[Mao, Dehua; Wang, Ting; Deng, Meirong] Hunan Prov Key Lab Ecoenvironm Changes & Carbon Se, Changsha 410081, Peoples R China.;[Li, Yeye] Xinjiang Univ, Coll Ecol & Environm, Urumqi 830046, Peoples R China.
[Mao, DH ] H;Hunan Normal Univ, Sch Geog Sci, Changsha 410081, Peoples R China.;Hunan Prov Key Lab Ecoenvironm Changes & Carbon Se, Changsha 410081, Peoples R China.
water-related ecosystem services;InVEST model;ecological management zoning;trade-off and synergy;Xiangjiang River Basin
Exploring the spatiotemporal distribution and interrelationships among water-related ecosystem services (WESs) and conducting ecological management zoning are crucial for regional sustainable development. Taking the Xiangjiang River Basin (XJRB) as an example, this study first quantified three primary WESs, including water conservation, soil retention, and water purification, from 2000 to 2020. Second, the spatiotemporal variation in the interrelationships among WESs were analyzed using global and local bivariate spatial autocorrelation. Third, a water ecological zoning rule was constructed to divide the watershed into three primary and eight secondary water ecological management zones. The results indicate a strong consistency in the changes in the three WESs throughout the period from 2000 to 2020 in the XJRB. Precipitation patterns and urban expansion were the primary factors affecting alterations in the WESs. Spatial heterogeneity and dependence were evident across these ecosystem services. Both trade-offs and synergies were observed among WESs, with synergies playing a dominant role. Positive synergies occurred primarily in woodlands and grasslands, while negative synergies were observed in cultivated land, water areas, and construction land. Three water ecological management zones, including core water ecological management zones, general management zones, and restoration management zones, were delineated at the grid and country scales according to the aggregation properties of the WESs. Ecological management strategies were proposed for different zones. These findings can offer valuable insights for policy makers in land use planning and water ecological management within the XJRB, and can facilitate similar management endeavors in other regions.
[Hu, Zui; Min, Qingwen] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geog Sci & Nat Resources Res, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.;[Tan, Min; Hu, Zui] Hengyang Normal Univ, Coll Geog & Tourism Management, Hengyang 421002, Peoples R China.;[Josef, Strobl] Univ Salzburg, Dept Geoinformat, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria.;[Cheng, Fulong] Chinese Acad Sci, Aerosp Informat Res Inst, Beijing 100094, Peoples R China.
[Qingwen Min] I;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Traditional settlements;Cultural Landscape Genes of Traditional Settlements (CLGTS);Semiology;Symbolization Method of CLGTS;Traditional settlement genetic symbol database (TLGSD);Application
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京100001;衡阳师范学院地理与旅游学院,衡阳421002;中国科学院大学,北京100049;[胡最] Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China<&wdkj&>College of Geography and Tourism, Hengyang Normal University, Hengyang, 421002, China;[闵庆文] Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China<&wdkj&>University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China
[王慧] College of City & Tourism, Hengyang Normal University, Hengyang, 421002, China;Department of Z_GIS, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, 5020, Austria;[胡最] College of City & Tourism, Hengyang Normal University, Hengyang, 421002, China<&wdkj&>Department of Z_GIS, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, 5020, Austria
城市空间扩张是复杂的社会经济进程,伴随着人口、政策和城市要素向外推进等现象,是评判城市化水平的重要指标。元胞自动机(Cellular Automata, CA)是可以模拟事物发展演化过程的系统动力学模型,可以有效揭示城市空间扩张过程的特征和机制,具有广阔的应用前景。根据Geo-CA的内涵与特征,以湖南省衡阳市为例,考虑城市空间扩张的主要影响因素,本文提出了多因素制约的城市空间扩张过程元胞自动机模拟模型(Multi-factors Constrained Expanding Simulation CA, MCES-CA)。结合多期LANDSET影像、DEM和规划数据等数据源,论文构建并实现了MCES-CA模型,取得了较好的模拟结果。经检验,MCES-CA的模拟精度总体达89.24%。模拟结果显示衡阳主城区的空间扩张具有多方向、多阶段的特征,受到城市的自然环境和发展规划等因素的制约。本文研究表明,MCES-CA是一种简洁、易实现且高效的城市空间扩张模拟工具,今后应该结合人工智能方法提高模拟结果的精度。